We Are Learning Accelerators

We are available to discuss your next learning acceleration project

Our Services

We provide independent advice and support to major employers engaged in accelerated learning initiatives – shaping their workforce of tomorrow, today.

Our packaged service covers all six phases of typical accelerated learning projects:

1. Exploration

We work with you to explore your business challenge, make sense of your options and scope your initial requirements

2. Specification

We work within time and budget constraints agreed at the Exploration phase to specify the optimum learning solution in detail

3. Supplier Sourcing

We support you in selecting, short-listing and contracting the suppliers needed to fulfil the specified learning  solution.

4. Design

Where a learning solution component requires custom design we support and assure this activity  appropriately

5. Development

Where a learning solution component requires custom development we support and  assure this appropriately

6. Evaluation

All learning solutions we scope and specify have a linked evaluation plan we execute independently of your supplier(s) to assure desired impact.


“Accelerated learning is the results achieved – not the methods used.”


Learning Accelerators draws on nearly thirty years of practical and commercial experience gained specifying, planning, buying designing and developing custom-made and customised learning solutions for major national and international clients. 

No longer tied to any technology or vendor, we are now completely free to offer you a bespoke best-breed-solution that applies the proven principles of accelerated learning to one of more of the following  technologies.


Our Managing Director Adrian Snook  led the specification, procurement and project management process for development of this Emergency Response Driving simulator in his former role as Head of Consultancy for Babcock International Group plc.  Simulators like this one are just one of many innovative learning acceleration options available today. Would you like to discuss developing something similar for another application?

Time is Money

Last year’s World Economic Forum whitepaper ‘Accelerating Workforce Reskilling for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ projected that around 35% of the skills demanded for jobs across a range of industries will have changed materially by 2020. This pace of change creates an entirely new level of challenge for modern organisations seeking to remain agile, relevant and competitive. It’s time to accelerate!